My research interests include canopy reflectance modeling, deriving biophysical parameters of forest canopies from remote sensing data, hyperspectral remote sensing, image segmentation and classification, 3D scene reconstruction, SAR/InSAR/PolSAR data processing and analysis.
Selected publications:
(1) Hu, B., D. Gumerov, and J. Wang, 2017, “An integrated approach to generating accurate DEM from airborne full waveform LiDAR data”, Remote Sensing, 9(8):871.
(2) Zhang, W., B. Hu, M. Woods, G. Brown, 2017, “Characterizing forest succession stages for wildlife habitat assessment using Multispectral airborne imagery”, Forest, 8, 234; doi:10.3390/f8070234.
(3) Gopaul, N., J. Wang and B. Hu, 2016, “Camera auto-calibration in GPS/INS/stereo camera integrated kinematic positioning”, The Journal of Global Positioning Systems, 14:3.
(4) Li. J., B. Hu, M. Woods, 2015, “A two-level approach for identification of species importance to the winter habitat of white-tailed deer among coniferous trees in central Ontario forest”, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 8(4):1487-1497.
(5) Hu, B., J. Li, L. Jing, and A. Judah, 2014, “Improving the efficiency and accuracy of individual tree crown delineation from high-density LiDAR data”, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 26, 144-155.